If you are planning on starting a business and don't have a lot of money to invest in a full-time business, no need to worry. Just use your favorite hobby as the base of your business and grow from there!
A hobby is an activity or an interest that you enjoy doing in your leisure time and you can turn that hobby into a profitable business. Any business that you decide to do should involve the things that you love doing the most and that you are passionate about.
Here is a list of hobbies that can easily be turned into a money making business.
1. Photographing
If you love taking pictures, then why not start your own photography business? Set up a small studio in your home or take photos at weddings or special events.
2. Jewelry making
Most women are passionate about making jewelries. If you are one of them, then why not start a jewelry business? Etsy is a great site to sell all your handmade jewelries. Or perhaps you can create your own online jewelry store. Just add some good photos to your site and don’t forget to include the shipping charges in your pricing.
3. Crafting
Start selling your craft to earn an income. Or maybe hold a craft class to teach children or adult age groups who are interested in making crafts.
4. Cross-stitching
Sell your cross-stitch. There are people who don’t know how to cross-stitch but likes buying the finished work.
5. Knitting
If you enjoy knitting very much, why not start a home-based knitting business? You can sell the items that you knit or even teach your skills to others who don’t know how to knit for a minimal fee.
6. Cooking
Love cooking? You can:-
- start a home-cooked meal delivery service for offices;
- start a catering business for special events such as weddings, birthdays, conferences and anniversaries; or
- sell your recipes in a simple booklet or ebook form.
7. Baking
If you love baking cakes and cookies, you can:-
- start a home bakery business;
- hold a baking class at your own home; or
- sell your recipes in a simple booklet or ebook form
8. Playing musical instrument
So you like playing the piano or the violin or maybe the guitar during your free time. Why not give music lessons?
9. Exercising
If you have been going for aerobics classes every week, why not become an instructor/instructress? Get yourself certified and become a qualified trainer.
10. Sports
If you are good in sports or games such as badminton/tennis or like to work out at the gym, you can become a coach or you may even become a personal trainer.
So, if you think you are an expert at some of the things mentioned above and that you enjoy doing at home or outdoors, it’s time to make them pay off for you!
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